Our Services

We are focused on client satisfaction and generating new customers for your business

For Business

Curee is a booking, delivery and discovery tool meant to work alongside your current business management platform. Our aim is to expand your customer reach, increase your revenue, and maximize your marketing strategies.
Marketing Icon


Services Management Icon

Services Management

Profile Management Icon

Profile Management

Ratings Icon

Ratings & reviews

Notification Icon


Calendaring Icon


Reporting Icon


No subscription icon

No subscription

Home delivery icon

Facilitate at home delivery

Driver management icon

Driver Management

Booking management

Booking Management

Client management icon

Client Management

Marketing Icon


Services Management Icon

Services Management

Profile Management Icon

Profile Management

Ratings Icon

Ratings & reviews

Notification Icon


Calendaring Icon


Reporting Icon


No subscription icon

No subscription

Home delivery icon

Facilitate at home delivery

Driver management icon

Driver Management

Booking management

Booking Management

Client management icon

Client Management

Product Explainer Video

For Users

Curee is a marketplace application that centralizes all of the Medspa and IV Clinic services in your area and streamlines the booking process.
Marketing Icon

Rewards Points

Services Management Icon


Profile Management Icon

Appointment Booking

Ratings Icon

Ratings & reviews

Notification Icon


Calendaring Icon


No subscription icon

No subscription

Home delivery icon

Delivery Booking

Driver management icon

Mobile Apps

Marketing Icon

Rewards Points

Services Management Icon


Profile Management Icon

Appointment Booking

Ratings Icon

Ratings & reviews

Notification Icon


Calendaring Icon


No subscription icon

No subscription

Home delivery icon

Delivery Booking

Driver management icon

Mobile Apps

Connect With Us &
Grow Your Business

Join The Curee network today and discover how easy it is to connect with more clients and boost your services.

Schedule a meeting directly through our calendar to get started!